Liability information

"Gedenkbuchprojekt für die Opfer der Shoah aus Aachen e.V." is a charity registered according to German Civil Law as an Association ('eingetragener Verein').

Responsible for content: Gedenkbuchprojekt für die Opfer der Shoah e.V.

Disclaimer: We carefully check the content of external links. Nevertheless we accept no liability for the content of external websites linked to or by our website.

Copyright notice: The content of "Gedenkbuchprojekt für die Opfer der Shoah aus Aachen e.V."'s webpages is protected by copyright. This applies to data (such as photos, graphics, logos etc.) and to all texts and other data. In the absence of specific provisions to the contrary and unless third-party rights are affected, it is desired that, where content is disseminated in whole or in part in electronic or printed form, the source ("Gedenkbuchprojekt für die Opfer der Shoah aus Aachen e.V.") and the URL ( be indicated. Commercial dissemination of the content is not permitted without "Gedenkbuchprojekt für die Opfer der Shoah aus Aachen e.V."'s prior written approval.